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Explore the Cluster4Smart development process

It is not an empty buzzword - Industry 4.0 has already got a profound impact on the everyday operation of most sectors, from the largest market leaders down to the tiniest SMEs. Automatisation, networked smart tools, and a significant shift towards an innovation-driven economy poses great challenges, many of which is impossible to overcome for any single enterprise.

The role that networks and especially clusters play in this environment is therefore also fundamentally transforming. No longer „just” a platform of possible cooperation and competitive advantage, they now need to grow into a hub of competence and innovation coordination interlinked with other networks around Europe, a „Cluster 4.0”. This results in renewed collaborative dynamics, however requires new and distinctly different attitudes and skills from both cluster members and most importantly, cluster managers.

These new trends could be classified in different topics as internationalization, due to the need to work in a global market; Business leadership and entrepreneurship, because new market methods and social networks are changing all the ways of managing a business and interacting with customers, competitors and workers and also to foster the growth of emerging industries; And industry 4.0, owing to that new technologies are changing industrial processes toward a smart industry.

Time is of the essence though. These new sets of cluster management skills and competences need to be learned and put to use fast, and this is where Cluster4Smart comes into play. Responding to this need, we are developing a comprehensive online vocational trainingcours, fournissant des connaissances accessibles et actualisées adaptées aux besoins très spécifiques des gestionnaires de clusters.

Cluster4Smart is a project co-financed by thee programme ERASMUS+ of the EU, running from Septembrer 2017 to February 2020. The partnership is composed of 7 Frech, Hungarien and Spanish clusters, support organisation and Universities, enabling complex insight on the covered topics.